Indonesian Game Developer

Kasatmata - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The Black Butterfly
Extended Version
Languange : Full English + Full Indonesia
"Cultures all around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live in another realm."
Chapter 1 of Kasatmata sets the stage during the recording of "Beda Dunia," a spine-chilling reality show
where contestants brave haunted locations for an hour and a half, lit only by a single candle.
Take control of Satria, a bold skeptic who scoffs at the existence of ghosts and all things supernatural.
He's on a mission to debunk the show's tricks and find concrete proof that ghosts are nothing more than
fiction. However, as Satria delves deeper into unraveling the mysteries behind the show, strange occurrences
begin to unfold.
As the challenge reaches its climax, Satria is faced with a shocking revelation—the TV crew has vanished
without a trace. Is this a scripted twist or a genuine paranormal encounter? Players must navigate through
the eerie atmosphere, gather clues, and make decisions that will shape the outcome of the story.
In Kasatmata, players will encounter 5 distinct endings, each offering a unique conclusion that ranges from
revealing revelations to raising more questions. Achieving the good endings typically requires a playtime of
45 minutes to 2 hours.
Throughout the exploration, players must keep an eye on their Brave Meter, the sole attribute that determines
their ability to withstand fear effects. A lower Brave Meter exposes players to more supernatural phenomena,
heightening the tension and suspense.
With intuitive one-handed gameplay using a computer mouse, players have full control over their choices
and actions. It's worth noting that while Kasatmata may seem like a horror game, players will discover its true
nature only upon reaching the endings.